
Why BBC the Voice of Zionism does not give the accurate photos and clarify(?) the minds?

#BBCtrending has investigated whether the picture are ture or not BUT haven’t investigated dead ones

The news below is the original ne from BBC, while BBC just works hard to protect a Zionist Regime and hide the massacre of israel. Why BBC the Voice of Zionism does not give the accurate photos and clarify(?) the minds???:
Graphic images are being shared on social media to show how people have been affected by the renewed tensions between Israel and the Palestinians.

Over the past week the hashtag #GazaUnderAttack has been used hundreds of thousands of times, often to distribute pictures claiming to show the effects of Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.

A #BBCtrending investigation has found that many of these images are not from the latest conflict and not even from Gaza. Some date as far back as 2009 and others are from conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

zionist media


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