Damascus Sermon
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The Risale-i-Nur explains Islam and belief to modern people in their own terms and according to their own world-view. Analyzing both belief and unbelief, Said Nursi used clearly reasoned arguments to prove that the Qur’anic conception of God and His unity, Prophet Hood and bodily resurrection and all others are the only rational explanations for the existence, humanity and the universe.
Using easily understood stories, comparisons and explanations, Said Nursi produced categorical proofs showing that modern scientific discoveries actually support and reinforce the truths of the Religion. He used the Qur’anic methodology of addressing each person’s intellect and all inner and outer facilities to encourage people to study the universe and its functioning in order to understand creation’s true nature and purposes, This, in turn, leads to learning the One Creator’s Attributes and their own duties as God’s servants.
About The Book
The sermon delivered by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus in 1911, in which he predicted that despite the relative backwardness of the Islamic world at that time, Islam and the Qur’an would dominate the future.
Mankind, which has been awakened this age, would enter Islam in large numbers, for it is only Islam that provides for both material, and moral and spiritual progress, the basis of true civilization.
Describing six sicknesses which had arrested the development of Muslims in the past, the Sermon comprises six Words which constitute the cures of these social sicknesses, and thus continues to be of the greatest relevance for the Muslims of today.