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Palestine has a large geographical area. It is a region that includes parts of Israeli territory in the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean, as well as Palestinian-controlled territories such as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. However, discussions about its boundaries continue today. The country is bordered by Lebanon in the north, the Syrian Desert in the east, the Mediterranean Sea in the west and the Red Sea in the south. Its surface area is 6 thousand 220 square kilometers.
Since the country has an occupation regime, it is administered from more than one capital. The State of Palestine has two capitals, Gaza and Ramallah. The capital of the Gaza Strip is Gaza/East Jerusalem, and the capital of the West Bank region is Ramallah.
The country maintains its economic existence with foreign aid. The inflation rate is around 1.4%. It is known that the poverty rate in Gaza city is 60%.
The official language of the country is Arabic.
Seafood and vegetables are generally consumed in Palestinian cuisine. As a beverage, hookah, tea and coffee are common. Since different cultures have dominated the country’s territory, the food culture has also been affected by this situation. There is a food culture similar to Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese and Levant cuisines. Lunch is the most important meal of the day for Palestinians. Dates, walnuts, almonds, cheese and pistachios are frequently used in Palestinian desserts.
The estimated current population of the State of Palestine for 2020 is 5,101,414. The average age of the country’s population is 21. Its ethnicity consists of Palestinian Arabs . Circassians form a small part of the general population. The majority of the population is Muslim. Muslims have chosen Shafi’i and Sunni sects. About 87% of the country’s population lives in cities.