
Syrian Army neutralizes Turkish-backed terrorists near Al-Bab


Over the past 48 hours, deadly clashes have sparked off between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Turkish-led Euphrates Shield forces near the city of Al-Bab northeast of Aleppo.

Ahrar Al-Sharqiyah, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) affiliated brigade, released an official statement online mourning the loss of 4 fighters due to skirmishes with government troops on the northern perimeter of Tadef on Monday.

Other FSA factions, Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Sham, and the Turkish Armed Forces did not specify their losses in the bloody battle for Tadef.

Nevertheless, an opposition outlet said a further two rebel militants were killed by shelling and airstrikes outside Al-Sukiryah today; this town is located in a region previously held by ISIS which has subsequently been divided up between Turkish-backed groups and the SAA.


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