
For these reasons they have assassinated al-Boti


In a statement, which is the first after assassinating al-Sheikh Said Ramadan al-Boti, the Syrian President Bashar Assad assures that “the attitude of the clerks, including al-Sheikh al-Boti is main in frustrating the plan that attempt to create a sectarian disputes in Syria, for this reason they have assassinated al-Boti and have assassinated before two days another religious man in Aleppo and many others.
The president Assad stresses in an interview with the Turkish “Olossal” TV channel and “Oidnlak” newspaper that “the government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is involved in shedding the Syrian blood”

Al-Akhbar newspaper quotes of the president Assad speech as saying that “the Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has not said obne word of truth since the beginning of the crisis in Syria”.

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