
How much Ashton is getting paid for negotiating with Iran?

937958_origCatherine Ashton which is working as the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security policy since 2009 is officially among the highest paid politicians and is one of the highest paid salaries in the world, and yet, she is supposed to get paid three years after 2014.
According to MNA, the EU foreign policy chief has always been getting media attention, and she has been the familiar face for Iranians in the last four years in the nuclear talks with Iran.

After the end of her five years term, in 2014, she will not be a candidate for the post again, so someone else could take the position.

While the news of Almaty talks are at the height of the news, the ‘Daily Telegraph’ has reported that Ashton will get paid three years after her supposed withdrawing from her position and subsequent departure in 2014 without doing anything in return.

What is Baroness Ashton salary for the post?

The ‘Daily Telegraph’ has reported that this British Labour Party member, although her job as the EU foreign policy chief will end in October, 2014, but Baroness Ashton will be paid £133,500 a year or £400,000 ($614,000) until the end of 2017 to do nothing once she leaves her European Union job next year as part of her terms of employment as a senior EU official, a European Commission spokesman confirmed.

According to the report, her extended payout, amounting to 55 per cent of her salary, which means Baroness Ashton, is currently getting paid about $373000 or $31,000 a month.

It should be noted that this figure is only the salary base for the British politician and Baroness Ashton full annual salary is about £328,000 or $503,000, which according to the media is more than what David Cameron is making as the Prime Minister.

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