Article & AnalysisSyria

Zionist Slaughterer Israel, Turkey co-plotted military operations inside Syria

Israel, Turkey co-plotted military operations inside Syria

An American intelligence analyst says Israel and Turkey have long been working in covert cooperation together along with NATO and other countries such as Arab Kingdoms with the ultimate aim of destabilizing Syria and Iran.
In a visit to Istanbul, US Secretary of State John Kerry urged Turkey to restore full diplomatic relations with Israel without delay and exchange ambassadors. Kerry also praised US-Turkish cooperation in making efforts to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

An interview with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today (Ohio), to further discuss this issue.

Q: We are hearing John Kerry say that he wants Ankara to continue working with the US on Syria for one, and also to restore full diplomatic ties with Israel.

Do you think this is about further cooperation and more developed cooperation between these three sides -Israel, Turkey and the US- specifically on Syria?

Duff: I think Kerry’s position on this is totally duplicitous.

It has been obvious to everyone here that Turkey and Israel had been working in covert cooperation including during the time of their diplomatic breakup.

Their aim is the destabilization of Syria and Iran. They are working with Georgia, Azerbaijan, the Arab states, working with NATO; there they have been involved.

Turkey has admitted being involved in military operations inside Syria for sometime already. Israel is admitting humanitarian aid; we know they are involved in so much further and so much more. We know that training operations inside Jordan by the US are being supplied through Israel. All of this is nothing but pure hokum, only to waste the time of the public and to hide the truth.

Q: So, Gordon Duff, quickly if you can before we leave you, as you said, there were some reports earlier on that there has been some covert cooperation between Turkey and Israel in support of the militants fighting the Syrian government.

So, do you think that from this stage on, this cooperation or the type of interference is going to enter a new phase?

Duff: I am looking for a diplomatic move toward more overt cooperation against the Syrian government, demands for no fly zones. We expect those to become more consistent.

We expect attempted moves in the UN Security Council and Turkey is going to try to add legitimacy to this as to whether other members of the Security Council, China and Russia will buy in on this and not exercise their veto, has yet to be seen.

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