
Tehran to Host 4th Int’l Conference on Nano-Structured Materials

A1129254The University of Tehran is due to host the ‘4th International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nano-Structured Materials’ from November 5 to 6, 2013.

The conference is jointly organized by University of Tehran, Iran and University of Patras, Greece. All accepted papers will be published in international journal of Advanced Materials Research (ISSN: 1662-8985) and will be indexed in the major academic databases, including ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Ei Compendex (CPX), Elsevier SCOPUS, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google Scholar, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), etc.

Since 2007, the Center of Excellence for High Performance Materials, University of Tehran, has successfully arranged a series of biennial conferences focused on Ultrafine Grained and Nano-Structured Materials. The purpose of these meetings is to allow those interested in the field to come together to present their research in a setting that fosters discussion, collaboration, and advancement in the field.

Topics for contributing papers include but are not limited to:

1. Bulk nanostructured materials

2. Characterization of UFGNSM

3. Modeling and simulation of UFGNSM

4. Nanobiomaterials

5. Nanocoatings and thin films

6. Nanocomposites

7. Nanoelectronic and magnetic materials

8. Nanotechnology education

9. Novel approaches

10. UFGNSM commercialization and industrial applications

11. UFGNSM for energy applications

Interested individuals are referred to for important dates and further information on registration.

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