Saudi Arabia

Saudi campaign goes viral on Twitter

Saudi campaign goes viral on Twitter

A group of Saudi workers has begun a campaign for pay raise by posting a message on social media website Twitter, which has so far been tweeted about 17 million times.

According to Press TV, the campaign calls on Saudi King Abdullah to raise the salaries of all Saudi employees and retirees and to boost student payments.
The campaigners are also calling for the king to create more working opportunities for the unemployed and lower the prices of consumer goods.
Several celebrities have joined the campaign, leveraging their large number of Twitter followers to spread the word.
According to Statweestics, the issue is now one of the most tweeted subjects worldwide.
One of the Saudi citizens has written on his Tweeter page, “My salary is not enough to get married.”
Meanwhile, Saudi authorities say the move amounts to sedition.
The rising cost of living is stirring dissatisfaction among people in Saudi Arabia.
According to a report published by the Guardian in January, despite being one of the world’s richest countries, millions of people in Saudi Arabia live in poverty.

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