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Hezbollah: Bahrain Stance Hasn’t Changed, Bahrainis Whom We Must Apologize to


Hezbollah said that the position taken by the delegation representing the Lebanese group for Media (Al-Manar TV and An-Nour Radio) was an individual stance adopted without referring to the leadership of Hezbollah.

In a statement released by the Hezbollah’s Media Relations on Sunday night, the party stressed that its position on Hezbollah flagBahrain has not changed.

“Our stance to support the oppressed people of Bahrain has not changed at all. We consider that the persecution exerted by the Bahraini authorities against their people is still taking place through depriving these people of their obvious right, which is the political participation.”

On the other hand, Hezbollah stressed that the Bahrainis “are whom we should apologize to,” adding that these people “have shown patience for more than two and a half years as they suffer oppression and all kinds of abuses by the ruling authorities.”

The party added that the Bahraini regime’s “attempts to silence the voice of rightness are fruitless,” noting that media outlets are not doing its job “to shed light upon the oppression which the honored people of Bahrain are subjected to.”

Meanwhile, Hezbollah asserted that policy of threats adopted by the Bahraini authorities “against all those who stand by the Bahraini people and their just cause is another proof that these authorities are unable to talk to their people.”

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