
Hamas vows loyalty to resistance, Palestine liberation

yasinhamas-0_300_0The Palestinian Islamic Hamas movement has affirmed its adherence to resistance as the only strategic option to liberate Palestine, defeat the occupation and achieve the right of return for millions of Palestinian refugees.
The movement announced in a Saturday statement, commemorating its 26th inception anniversary, that it will never give up the national constants and rights.
It further denounced as futile the ongoing negotiations between the Israeli regime and the Palestinian Authority (PA) and reiterated its adherence to the resistance as the only way to protect the people, Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the national constants, despite all the obstacles and conspiracies.
Hamas underlined that the protection of Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian holy sites is a national and Arab duty, and that it will confront all the Israeli occupation attempts to Judaize the holy places and Jerusalem and displace its residents.
It also called on Fatah movement to implement the terms of the national reconciliation and to work on restructuring the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) according to a unified strategy based on the resistance and the adherence to the rights and national constants.
It demanded the current leadership of the PLO to halt the futile negotiations with the occupation regime and reject the U.S. pressure that aims to liquidate the Palestinian cause.
The movement also urged the Arab League to end the unjust Israeli blockade imposed on the impoverished Gaza Strip.

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