IIT Exclusive News

Facebook restart to block our facebook without mentioning any reasons as usual

facebook no reasons

It has been a week that we have unable to share the links& news of our site on our facebook page. For each share of any links belonging to our website the facebook ask for security codes and reenter the account informations. Many of our followers mentioned that they face problems with our facebook page when they want to share our contents or sharings. This shows that those who talk about democracy, freedom and the presence of the so- called opposition factions in Turkey are just words but nothing.
When our folowers try to enter our facebook or want to share our sharings they face a warning as ‘report this page as spam’. It has been many times that facebok has blocked our facebook page and deleted our Turkish facebook permanently. It is interesting that there are many so- called opposition factions that have many pages, sites in Turkey and their sharings are not dangerous for those dark powers but our sharings and uncoverings are/ mean ‘report this page as SPAM’ for those who talk about democracy, humanrights, freedom, freedom of speech… etc.

Although the blockages by those dark powers we will keep up our works and being the voice of oppressed people and uncovering the truth with the help of Allah SWTA. Justice will prevail Inshaallah.

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