
PLC calls on Arab and Islamic parliaments to hold sessions on J’lem and Aqsa

images_News_2014_04_13_Baher-0_300_0The Palestinian legislative council (PLC) called on all speakers of the Arab and Islamic parliaments to necessarily hold special sessions to discuss the situation in occupied Jerusalem and the dangers threatening the Aqsa Mosque.

“These sessions, which we urge the Arab and Islamic parliaments to hold, come due to the exposure of the Aqsa Mosque to great dangers,” first deputy speaker Ahmed Bahar stated in press remarks to Quds Press.

Bahar also urged the leaders of Arab and Islamic countries to urgently move to save the Aqsa Mosque and the holy city from Israel’s attempt to Judaize them.

He appealed, in particular, to the Arab leaders to activate the decisions they had made during previous Arab summits to financially support the steadfastness of the Palestinian natives of Jerusalem through establishing a fund for the holy city.

“The Aqsa Mosque is being exposed today to the most dangerous campaigns that aim to Judaize it and obliterate its Arab and Islamic history,” the Palestinian lawmaker warned.

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