
Activists crossed Terrorist israel’s Separation Wall heading to The Holy Quds

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A group of local and foreign activists succeeded on Friday in crossing the Israeli Separation Wall near Qalandia Airport in the occupied Palestinian city of Jerusalem, Palestinian local news agency Quds Net reported.

Under the name ‘Heading to Jerusalem,’ about 100 Palestinian and foreign activists crossed the Separation Wall protesting the Israeli banning of Palestinians from accessing their holy sites in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

In a statement, the Popular Resistance against the Wall said: “Muslims and Christians have been banned from accessing their mosques and churches.” This measure was taken to counter this ban.

The Israeli occupation forces faced the activists and undermined their efforts regarding the entrance into the Holy City. In turn the activists blocked the roads taken by illegal Israeli settlers in the West Bank, but the Israeli forces violently dispersed them firing tear gas and metal-coated rubber bullets.

Riots between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces erupted in several places after Friday prayer along the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. International activists took part in several protests alongside with the Palestinians.

Around 20 Palestinians were reported wounded during Friday clashes in the different areas of the Occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. Some of the injured, Palestinian medical sources said, were targeted by live ammunition.

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