
zionist israeli navy continues to attack Gaza fishermen


Fishermen in the blockaded Gaza Strip continue to come under Israeli attacks in a clear violation to the ceasefire agreement that ended the recent Israeli war on Gaza. Israeli navy carried out hundreds of attacks against fishermen since the beginning of the truce last August.

Gaza’s labor union held a demonstration at the Gaza seaport to protest the killing of a Gazan fisherman over a week ago by the Israeli navy.

During a press conference the labor union accused Israel of trying to paralyze the fishing industry in the blockaded coastal enclave.

Under the so-called Oslo peace accord Gaza fisherman should have been allowed to fish up to twenty nautical miles.

After the war Israel maintained a six nautical mile fishing limit but many fishermen were attacked within two or three nautical miles off the coast of Gaza.

Currently less than four thousand fishermen work in the Gaza Strip, with most of them living on handouts by aid agencies.

Gaza fishermen continue to suffer as Israel jeopardizes the attainment of their basic human rights and their security on almost a daily basis.

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