
Syrian Army, Resistance Fighters Capture New Key Posts in Al-Qalamoun


Syrian army and resistance fighters seized three hilltops Tuesday from terrorist militants in Al-Qalamoun, the latest of a series of gains.

QalamounMashrou’ Haql Zeaiter hilltop and Jour Beit Abdul Haq are located west of the outskirts of the Syrian village of Ras al-Maara and east of the outskirts of the Lebanese town of Nahleh. These are the most recent hilltops to be captured adding to Abdul Haq hilltop which was captured earlier.

These gains in Al-Qalamoun region will prevent militants from launching attacks at the Bekaa Valley.

Militants who withdrew from hills and villages in Qalamoun are now positioned in Talit Moussa, the highest hilltop in the Qalamoun mountains. They also receded towards the outskirts of the Lebanese border town of Arsal and parts of the outskirts of Flita.

This victory adds to previous ones made by the Syrian army and resistance fighters, driving militants from about a dozen outposts and several towns, including Assal al-Ward and Al-Jibbeh. It also comes as terrorists were battling each other in western Qalamoun.

Source: Al Manar TV

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