
Tiger Forces enter Al-Bab Plateau after seizing village of Ayishah


On Sunday night in the Aleppo Governorate’s eastern countryside, the Syrian Arab Army’s elite special operation division known as the “Tiger Forces” continued their march north towards the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham’s (ISIS) stronghold of Al-Bab after a violent battle at the village of Najarah all week long. For second time in nearly two weeks, the Tiger Forces – in close coordination with the Russian Air Force – carried out a surprise night operation to catch the ISIS terrorists in east Aleppo off-guard. This once again worked out to the Syrian Arab Army’s advantage, as the terrorist group was unable to quickly respond to the ferocious military assault.

As a result of this surprise assault in east Aleppo, the ISIS fighters entrenched at the small village of ‘Ayishah (south of Al-Bab) were quickly overrun by a contingent comprised of soldiers from the Tiger Forces and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sahra (Desert Hawks Brigade), who used the cover of night to infiltrate the terrorist group’s defenses en route to the capture of this site.

With the capture of ‘Ayishah tonight, the Tiger Forces are within 4 villages of the ISIS-controlled city of Al-Bab, marking the first time since 2012 that the government forces have entered this plateau. The Tiger Forces are knocking on the door of Deir Hafer and Al-Bab; the two cities that have been under ISIS’ control since they forced the Islamist rebels to abandon them in late 2013.   by Taboola Sponsored Links You May Like

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