
Syrian Army Breaks the Siege of Nubbul, Al-Zahra Towns in Aleppo

Syrian Army Breaks the Siege of Nubbul and Al-Zahra Towns in Aleppo

Syrian army troops backed by popular committees have broken the siege imposed on Nubbul and al-Zahra towns by terrorist groups in Aleppo’s northern countryside, ending the three-and-a-half-year blockade on the towns.

Syrian army Troops backed by popular forces have broken the siege imposed on Nubbul and al-Zahra towns by terrorist groups in Aleppo’s northern countryside, Alalam News Network reported.

To break a 40-month siege, the Syrian troops and the popular committees have reached each other in Mu’arrasat Al-Khan village, in Aleppo’s northern countryside, destroyed terrorists’ equipment and killed many of them


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