
Syrian army interrupts ISIS offensive before it begins



In Deir El Zor, the Syrian army, composed mainly of the elite Republican Guard and tribal fighters, struck an ISIS gathering in the vicinity of the Panorama roundabout that lies on the western entrance of the city.

The ISIS grouping was mobilizing for an offensive in the embattled city. Unfortunately for them, the Syrian Army artillery overpowered them killing and injuring a minimum of 15 combatants.

Separately, the Syrian Army repelled an ISIS attack on the Thardah mountains with the support of the Syrian and Russian air forces. Two ISIS drones were reportedly downed inside the city.

The Syrian Army and the inhabitants of Deir El Zor that number over a 100,000 have suffered from an ISIS-imposed siege for years now. Even after years of the brutal siege and countless ISIS offensives on the city, the Syrian Army has not budged firmly holding to all its positions in the city and its surroundings whilst killing and injuring thousands of terrorists.

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