EuropeWorld News

Italians protest growing right-wing

Anti-fascist demonstrators mark January 27 as a national day of remembrance by gathering in Milan’s center to protest growing support for right-wing groups.

The day is held in Italy as a memorial for those who died fighting against Benito Mussolini’s fascist government before and during World War II.

“It is clear that in difficult times democracy faces greater difficulties because there are those who try to solve problems by getting rid of democratic processes. This is true not only for civil democracy, but also economic and social democracy,” Gluseppe D’aguino of the Association of Italian Resistance told Press TV.

There has been criticism recently of the Italian government’s policies. International groups have questioned the Italian government’s treatment of immigrants and its attitude towards freedom of speech.

Those in power say that such accusations are unfounded and distort the reality of the situation in Italy.

Davide Boni of the Northern League Party told Press TV, “People have been talking out against the Northern League and Silvio Berlusconi for years but nothing ever changes. It is just a tactic to sell more newspapers and divert attention away from other problems. The Left plays a part of this game as they are the ones who keep bringing this question up.”

Italy has seen a wave of protests directed at the Berlusconi regime. On Wednesday, a nationwide transportation strike caused heavy delays as workers protested government spending cuts for public transportation.

Additionally, tens of thousands of anti-government protesters took to the streets of Rome last month, calling for Prime Minister Berlusconi to step down.

Berlusconi has been accused of bribing colleagues to win a no-confidence vote in Parliament as well as being entangled in a number of sex scandals.

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