West Asia

Wahhabism, enemy of Islamic nation: Ayatollah Tabasi



Grand Ayatollah Najm el Din Tabasi, member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom, met with a group of academicians and cultural activists from Lebanon expressed regret over the different issues plaguing Muslim countries warning against Wahhabism as the enemy of all Muslims, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

He extended his regrets over massacre of the civilians in different Islamic countries and also relations between some Muslim countries with the Zionist regime of Israel.

“Wahhabis are not enemies of merely the Shia community since they excommunicate anyone out of their own Wahhabi community” said the cleric.

Member of the Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom demanded,” Why are the Shia Muslims massacred during Arba’een processions while no one makes a move to annihilate the illegal regime of Israel? Have you ever heard the killers of Shia Muslims shooting one bullet towards the Zionist forces?”

Ayatollah Tabasi called for a major campaign to train Islamic experts in an attempt to export the culture of true Islam to the world warning against hostile media which keep the world people in a vacuum of knowledge on Islam.


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