
Raqqa: Syrian Army Inches Closer to Borderline with Deir Ezzur Province


 The Syrian Army troops pushed ISIL back from more positions in the Southeastern territories of Raqqa province after hours of non-stop battle, inching closer to the borderline with Deir Ezzur province.

The army soldiers engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL and managed to advance in the depth of Badiyeh (desert).

The army units captured Wadi al-Abid petrol station, al-Torab Wadi and hill and al-Kharayej Wadi region.

The army forces later advanced towards the border with Deir Ezzur and entered the village of Qanem.

Relevant reports said on Friday that the army’s Tiger Forces secured all hilltops in the region between the towns of al-Sabkhah and Abu Hammad in Southeastern territories of Raqqa province, imposing fire control over the towns of al-Sabkhah, Shuraydah, al-Jabali and Qanim al-Ali that are all situated along the farming belt which straggles the Western bank of the Euphrates River.

Military sources added that it is now just a matter of time before Syrian soldiers enters these towns to officially declare them free.

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