
Seven Terrorist Commanders End Battle with Syrian Army in Two Provinces


The Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria announced in its latest report on Wednesday that seven notorious commanders with a large number of their fighters have ended fight against the Syrian Army troops in the provinces of Damascus and Quneitra.

The Russian center said that seven commanders with around 500 militants have laid down arms and joined peace agreement with the army.

The center further said that 41 other gunmen have also put aside their weapons and side with the army men in Homs province.

The statement also said that 348 families with 1,620 members have retuned home in Tal Rifat, Kafr Anton, al-Akhras, Jouba and al-Huweisha regions in Aleppo province.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s Center for Syrian Reconciliation said on Tuesday that some 35 militant groups were ready to join the peace agreement with the Syrian Army troops in Idlib.

The ministry said that 35 units confirmed their readiness to side with the government troops” following talks with the leaders of the formations.

The agreement on the de-escalation zone in Idlib was reached a couple of days ago. The establishment of the Idlib safe zone has been especially crucial due to the fact that around 9,000 terrorists Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board) were attempting to take control over the province, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Previously, safe zones were established in Southern Syria, Eastern Ghouta, and the Homs province.

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