
Syrian Army Enters Idlib Province for First Time in Last Three Years


The Syrian Army troops pushed the Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board) back from more regions in Northeastern Hama on Monday and entered Idlib province for the first time in the last three years.

The army men exchanged heavy fire with the Al-Nusra in Northeastern Hama and imposed control over the town of al-Mosheirefeh in Southern Idlib, entering the Northwestern province for the first time after three years.

Also, a field source confirmed that the army has entered Idlib province.

Relevant reports said on Sunday that the army soldiers, backed up by the country’s Air Force and artillery fire, stormed the strongholds of the Al-Nusra in Northeastern Hama, and captured the small town of Baleel and Baleel hill in al-Zaqbah region.

The army men continued their advances and took control over the village of Um Khazim and Um Khazim hill in Southeastern Idlib at border with Hama.

The army aircraft, meantime, pounded terrorists’ movements and gathering centers in the towns and villages of al-Rahjan, Um Mayal and al-Shakousiyeh in Northeastern Hama, inflicting heavy casualties on the terrorists.

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