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Hamas Leader: Fatah Still Pursuing Failed Policies

A senior leader of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, lambasted the Fatah movement for pursuing the failed experiences of the past which created a wide gap among the different Palestinian groups.
“The Fatah movement has opted for deception and intrigues after signing the national reconciliation agreement and seeks to bypass the Constitution,” Younus al-Astal told FNA on Sunday.

He criticized Fatah’s proposal for the members of the government to take their oath before the Head of the Palestinian Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, instead of the parliament, and said this means that Fatah is still moving on the same old wrong way.

Astal cautioned that the Fatah movement has hatched a plot to materialize the wishes and aspirations of the US and the Zionist regime, and said they seek to persuade us to desist from resistance and recognize the Zionist regime, but this is a wish which will never come true.

Also yesterday, another senior leader of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, had reiterated that the group will not implement the national reconciliation agreement unless its members imprisoned in the Palestinian Authority’s jails are freed.

“Palestinians’ national reconciliation will not be materialized as along as the members of the (Hamas) movement in the West Bank are not freed from the PA prisons,” Hussein Abu Kawik told FNA on Saturday.

Earlier this month, thirteen Palestinian groups including, Fatah and Hamas, signed a landmark unity deal ending their long-running division.

According to internal sources, the agreement includes formation of a caretaker government until elections take place in both the West Bank and Gaza.

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