
Mubarak’s trial is only for Revolution Process not rest of the 3 Decades

The chief prosecutor in the trial of dictator Mubarak says the ousted Egyptian ruler is politically and legally” responsible for the murder of protesters during the revolution that overthrew his authoritarian regime last year.

Mustafa Suleiman also told the court on Thursday that Mubarak took no measure to stop the killings during the 18-day uprising, and that he was aware of them following meetings with members of his inner circle.

He said Habib al-Adly, former Egyptian interior minister, sanctioned the use of live ammunition against anti-regime demonstrators on Mubarak’s orders.

“He (Mubarak) can never, as the top official, claim that he did not know what was going on,” Suleiman told the court.

The chief prosecutor added, “He is responsible for what happened and must bear the legal and political responsibility for what happened.”

But the Chief Prosecuter does not mention the Mubarak’s ruling era. The Chief Prosecuter does not mention the massacres, tortures, human rights violations, betraying the Egypt and the Egyptians on behalf of israel and etc. The court tries the dictator only for two weeks revolutionary process. Thus the whole Mubarak’s era is accepted like it was acquitted. so it annoys the Egyptian People and find dangerous for the trial’s objectivity and independence.

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