Hassan NasrallahLebanonSyria

Nasrallah: Reforms in Syria Opposed by Armed Groups

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said that the reform to which the Syrian leadership is committed is opposed by another side that adheres to the armed confrontation, rejects dialogue and seeks “the overthrow the regime.”

During a speech at the Loyalty Festival for the Martyr Leaders on Thursday, Sheikh Nasrallah wondered how an opposition accepts settlement with Israel and reach a political solution with it while it rejects any dialogue with the Syrian leadership.

“There is a consensus in Israel that any alternative in Syria is best or less evil than the remaining of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime… Israel awaits for and bets on the fall of regime in Syria,” Nasrallah said.

He added that no one could doubt that the regime in Syria is a resistant one as it hasn’t surrendered or yielded to the US-Israeli provisions as well as it hasn’t abandoned resistance in Lebanon, Palestine and or Iraq.

Nasrallah was astonished at the US-Israeli and some Arab states’ determination to the non-political solution in Syria. “Reforms offered by President al-Assad and the Syrian leadership so far and the decisions adopted were not taken by any king, Prince or any Arab president,” He added.

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