
The Independent: Free Army rebels incapable…. Syrian Army will win The War

The Independent Newspaper has released an article “First, Stop Syria’s war spreading”.

The article deals with the armed conflicts occurring between the Syrian Army and the rebels of Free Army.

Syrian Army forces are under continuous attack, the Newspaper stated.

There is no any sign that the Syrian Government, Leadership or regime imploding, despite the defection of the Prime Minister and the assassination of key security leaders.

The situation is very different from Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi’s support suddenly collapsed a year ago under the weight of NATO air attacks and its own isolation rather than pressure from the insurgents.

The Syrian rebels have shown that they can take over some districts of Damascus and Aleppo, but they have been unable at any rate to hold them.

Syrian Army will win in long term….

One of the reasons why the Syrian war is so bloody, and may continue for a long time, is that it is really three conflicts wrapped into one.

There is the struggle of the Syrian people against the government, but also the long-running confrontation in the region between allies of Iran and its opponents.

Saudi Arabia and the absolute monarchies of the Gulf are not helping the Syrian rebels out of any desire to bring ‘democracy’ to the Syrian people.

The rest of the world cannot stop the war, but they should do their utmost to try to prevent it from spreading to Lebanon and destabilizing the rest of the region.

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