
Australia Admits to up to 100 Australians Fighting in Syria

Australia Admits to up to 100 Australians Fighting in Syria
Australia has admitted that more than 100 Australians are fighting alongside the armed terrorist groups in Syria.

AFP quoted the Australian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Bob Carr as saying on Friday that the government was aware of reports that more than 100 Australians had joined the fighting in Syria since 2011 but he had no evidence of any citizens currently involved.

Carr warned that Australians who take part in the fighting in Syria face up to 20 years in jail, reminding of the Crimes Act 1978 which states that “A person shall not enter a foreign state with intent to engage in a hostile activity.”

“Any Australian who recruits someone to fight overseas faces seven years’ imprisonment,” the spokesman said.

The Australian Foreign Ministry announced in a statement on January 2nd it was probing into an incident in which an Australian citizen who was killed while fighting alongside the terrorists in Syria.

Western officials and media have admitted to thousands of foreign salafis and takfiris who streamed into Syria to join the armed terrorist groups in the fighting, the majority of which are infiltrating through the Turkish borders.

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