LebanonWest Asia

Lebanon Frustrates French Endeavor to Condemn Hezbollah in UN Security Council


Lebanon has managed to frustrate a French endeavor in the UN Security Council to issue a presidential statement that condemns Hezbollah over Shebaa operations.

The efforts exerted by the Lebanese Foreign Ministry and the Russian stance in the Security council contributed to foiling the French attempt which was clearly backed by the Israeli envoy who considered, as a result, that Hezbollah is represented in the International Organization.

Accordingly, the United Nations Security Council has just condemned the death of Lance Corporal Francisco Javier Soria Toledo of Spain, killed last week while deployed at a UN position in Lebanon along the border with the Zionist entity on the “Blue Line.”

In a statement to the press today, the 15-member Council expressed its deepest sympathy to the family of the fallen peacekeeper and to the Government of Spain. The Council said that it looked forward to the immediate completion of UNIFIL’s full and comprehensive investigation to determine the facts and circumstances of the incident despite that Spain has clearly accused the Israeli army of killing Soria as the irrefutable pieces of evidence show.

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