
Syrian Army One Step Closer to Purging Northeastern Hama of Terrorists


The Syrian Army troops and popular forces stormed the strongholds of Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board) in Northeastern Hama and managed to capture another strategic region on Tuesday.

The army troops, backed up by the Russian Air Force, advanced toward the towns of Um Miyal and al-Rahjan, two major strongholds of terrorists in Northeastern Hama.

The army men managed to impose control over the small but strategic village of al-Mastariheh Northwest of Sarha al-Shamali after hours of fierce clashes with Al-Nusra.

A large number of Al-Nusra terrorists, including Abu Ma’az Afghani, a field commander, were killed in the clashes.

In the meantime, a field commander stressed that Syrian army units have engaged in fierce clashes with terrorists in al-Rahjan region in recent days, underlining importance of regaining control of al-Mastariheh which is a transit point towards al-Rahjan.

The commander said the army is now situated just South of Um Miyal, leaving militants in a very uncomfortable spot.

According to battlefield reports, if terrorists fail to beat back the army soldiers in the coming days, they will be forced to give up this last piece of Northeastern Hama that is under their control.

Relevant reports said on Sunday that the army troops fended off a heavy offensive of the Al-Nusra Front on government forces’ positions West of the town of al-Salamiyah, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.

The army men engaged in fierce clashes with Al-Nusra in the village of Satahiyat and warded off their attack, killing a large number of terrorists and destroying their military hardware in a rapid counter-attack.

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