Islamic UnityWorld News

Unity is the main factor behind Muslims’ victory

Unity is the main factor behind Muslims’ victory
“Unity is the most important factors for Muslims to standing against the tyrant governors,” said one of the Sunni Friday Prayer Leader of Birjand, Molavi Qolam Farouqi, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).

The Sunni scholar in an exclusive interview with TNA underlined that Muslims can gain power and dignity just through unity and rapprochement among themselves.

Q: Please tell us about the importance of unity and ways for reaching it?

A: Unity is a divine religious order and it is the duty of all Muslims to abide by this order. Rapprochement and proximity are actually divine issues and Muslims should do their best to increase them in their societies.

One of the practical solutions for increasing unity in Muslim Ummah is providing justice for all the stratums of the society. For increasing unity Muslims also should respect each other’s rights, refraining from insulting and perpetrating sacrilegious measures against holy concepts.

Q: What factors, do you think, led to increase dispersion and deepen the gap among Islamic Ummah?

A: Having distance with the holy book of Quran, lack of knowledge toward the Quranic and Islamic instructions are the main reasons behind Muslims’ disputations.

God orders Muslims to resort the holy book of Quran and abide by its teachings and instructions If they consider Quran’s instructions in their lives, the enemies cannot make division among them.

Q: What is the latent reason behind massacre and recent chaos happening in Pakistan, Syria and Bahrain? Why some groups try to enhance religious conflicts among Muslims from different Islamic denominations?

A: The enemies’ aim and goal is obvious for all nations. Muslim counties have valuable assets and resources.
Actually about 80 percent of European countries’’ energy is provided by Islamic societies.

So for reaching to these assets and controlling Muslim counties, the enemies try to increase dispersion among Muslims.

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