
Pakistan joins Muslim condemnation of Indian officials’ sacrilege

Pakistan has joined the rest of the Muslim world to condemn the Indian ruling party after two senior officials of the Bhartia Janta Party made derogatory remarks, that disrespect Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

The Indian envoy in Islamabad was summoned by the foreign office to record a strong protest.

In a statement, Pakistan said the remarks have deeply hurt the sentiments of not only the people of Pakistan but billions of Muslims around the world.

People in Pakistan are outraged by the insulting remarks. They are demanding strong action against those Indian officials as well as calling on the Muslim world to put up a united front against this religious bigotry.

After uproar in the Muslim world, the Indian ruling party suspended its two officials but people feel this is not enough.

Pakistan’s leading religious clerics have also condemned the insulting remarks.

The controversy has strained India’s relationship with the Muslim world.

Experts believe Indian ties could further deteriorate with the Muslim world if its leadership does not extend a public apology.

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