
Slaughterer Lieberman resigns after being accused of fraud and breach of trust

Occupation Israeli foreign minister Slaughterer Avigdor Lieberman declared his intention to resign from his post on Friday after being charged with fraud and breach of trust, in a move that could have profound implications for the next general election.

Slaughterer Lieberman’s declared resignation came after Israel’s attorney general issued a legal indictment against him in this regard.

On his facebook page, Lieberman, who leads the extremist Yisrael Beiteinu party, claimed he stepped down, although he was sure he had committed no crime.

The indictment he will face stems from an investigation into other offences he has committed. He is accused of promoting Israel’s former ambassador to Belarus for another post after the ambassador gave him confidential information regarding an Israeli police investigation into Lieberman’s activities.

Slaughterer Lieberman said on his page that he had been hounded by corruption accusations since July 1996.

He was already accused of financial corruption and money laundering, but the attorney general had to drop those charges against him for insufficient evidence.

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