AshuraDays of AllahHassan NasrallahLeaders of Ummah

Sayyed Nasrallah Tackles Latest Developments in His First Ashura Speech

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah is going to tackle Saturday at 20:30 p.m. the latest political and military developments in his speech scheduled to be during Ashura First Night ceremony for this year at Sayyed Al-Shuhada Complex in the southern suburb of Beirut (Dahiyeh).

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah is going to tackle Saturday at 20:30 p.m. the latest political and military developments in his speech scheduled to be during Ashura First Night ceremony for this year at Sayyed Al-Shuhada Complex in the southern suburb of Beirut (Dahiyeh).

Sayyed Nasrallah is expected to speak about the recent escalation on Lebanon’s southern border where the Israeli occupation army is on alert in wait for the Resistance response to its attacks on Dahiyeh and one of its posts in Damascus.

The occasion, known as Ashura, marks the martyrdom of Imam Hussein and 72 of his companions in 680 AD in a land that is known today as Iraq, after they refused to pledge allegiance to the tyrant Yazid.

Ashura is the culmination of a 10-day annual mourning period in the lunar month of Muharram for the third Imam of Shia Muslims, who was a grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).

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