
Swedes in hijab support Muslim victim

Swedish stand in solidarity with Muslim women

A number of Swedish individuals are showing their support to one hijab-wearing woman who was harassed and assaulted in Stockholm last Friday night.
According to police, the victim believes this was a faith-based hate crime, Aljazeera reported.
Using the hashtag #HijabUppropet, which means ‘hijab outcry’, women, children and even men are posting pictures of themselves online wearing the traditional Muslim headscarf.
Foujan Rouzbeh and Nabila Abdul Fattah, organizers of Hijab Uppropet, said this initiative is about raising awareness on the types of abuse Muslim women face for their religious identity.
Swedish television host Gina Dirawi and politician Veronica Palm are just some notable figures who expressed solidarity with #hijabuppropet. Green Party leader, Asa Romson, went as far as to change her Twitter profile picture, tweeting her support.

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