
Sheikh Sabri calls for marking Isra and Miraj occasion at Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, head of the Higher Islamic Council in Occupied Jerusalem, has called for marching en masse to the Aqsa Mosque and retreating in its buildings and courtyards as of next Monday on the occasion of the Isra and Mi’raj anniversary.

“The Isra and Miraj Miracle is mentioned in the holy Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah and it is part of the Muslims’ faith,” Sheikh Sabri said in press remarks on Saturday.

“”It is the duty of Muslims to avail themselves of the Isra and Miraj incident to stay and perform prayers at the Aqsa Mosque,” he added.

He also called upon the Arab and Islamic countries to close ranks and pool their efforts and positions in order to protect the holy sites in Jerusalem and other Palestinian areas.

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