
Hizbullah Slams Terrorists’ Attack on Hijir Bin Oudai Holy Shrine in Syria

lvl220130503100043Condemning the terrorist armed groups’ crime of attacking the holy tomb stone of al-Sahabi Hijir Bin Oudai al-Kindi (Prophet Mohammad’s Companion-pbut) in Adra region, near the Syrian capital, Damascus, Hizbullah issued the following statement:

Hizbullah expresses its great pain for the news that talked about the attack by terrorist armed groups against the holy Hijir Bin Oudai’s shrine.
What we expected and feared, and what Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned about two days ago, in regard to the assault and violation of religious sanctities, has happened.

The holy shrine of the great al-Sahabi Hajar Bin Oudai’s shrine is one of the most important holy sites for Muslims in general.
Furthermore, the desecration and the violation of the shrine’s sanctity in such a manner reflects the criminal terrorist mentality that does not take into regard the sacredness of Muslim and Christian holy sites.

This great crime raises the big question: Where is the Syrian opposition, which claimed and pledged to defend and protect religious shrines and sanctities?
In parallel, Hizbullah expresses its grave concern at the continuance of attacks against shrines.

It further calls on all those responsible to assume their responsibility in this issue, so as not to be a partner in crime, and to prevent the continuation of this crime which threatens with a major strife and an evil metastasizes.

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