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Al-CIA-da, One Example Of How Washington Manipulates Terrorism

One Example Of How Washington Manipulates Terrorism
If you look at Washington’s so-called “War on Terror” and how the meaning of terrorism is manipulated to serve Washington’s agenda du jour, you can’t help but notice that terrorism is only terrorism when Washington doesn’t do it.
Author : Bill Lindner

John McCain, U.S. Republican Senator from Arizona, offered yet more evidence of that fact on his recent trip to the Middle East where, among other things, he had a photo-op with U.S.-sanctioned terrorists in Syria on his quest for allies to support America’s attempted regime change in Syria.

During his trip to Syria McCain took the opportunity to have his picture taken with various anti-Assad (Bashir al-Assad) “rebels” who are alleged to have been involved in the kidnapping of Lebanese Shi’a pilgrims (link: Naturally McCain claims that none of the U.S.-sanctioned terrorists he was photographed with identified themselves by names of those accused of kidnapping Shi’a pilgrims but it is obvious that the U.S. isn’t doing a good job of vetting the terrorists they supply arms to as it appears that McCain has been providing “material support” for Syrian terrorists.

Recently the Cato Institute’s Doug Bandow wrote about (link: a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling (Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project from 2010) that upheld the U.S. government’s broad reading of the statute that criminalizes “material support” for terrorism. The decision deemed that “coordinated political advocacy” — advocacy coordinated with groups engaged designated by Washington as terrorist organizations — counts as material support. Those engaged in such “coordinated political advocacy” can be federally prosecuted and spend ten years in jail if convicted. Washington loves to read terrorism laws broadly until it affects one of their own.

There are numerous examples of how Washington’s expansive definition of material support for terrorism — now sanctioned by a corrupt U.S. Supreme Court — has produced egregious legal outcomes for U.S. citizens, but the “law makers” who approved the laws are never subject to the same legal outcomes. It certainly appears that McCain provided “material support” to terrorists on his latest trip to Syria. Having your picture taken with Islamic extremists could easily be interpreted as providing “material support” for terrorism, but the law’s application is not based on intent. The U.S. Justice Department should investigate, but as we all know, they won’t.


It seems McCain also visited Yemen on his recent Middle East trip and is rumored to have urged President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi to facilitate the transfer of Jihadists to Syria to aid in Washington’s attempted regime change (link:, offering yet more evidence of McCain’s treasonous actions. If that isn’t offering material support to terrorists, nothing is.

According to the report McCain lobbied the Yemeni government to send more jihadi fighters to Syria to swell the ranks of U.S.-sponsored groups that are already engaged — representatives of which McCain had met with before traveling to Yemen — in terrorist activities in Syria. Instead of accepting the fact that the U.S. and its allies are losing in Syria, many like McCain want the U.S. to double down on their already failing Neocon strategies and holding on to the delusional aspirations of an American empire in the Middle East.

McCain tried to dispel the embarrassing reports of his Middle East trip to provide material support for U.S. terrorists in Syria but ended up revealing instead that his treasonous actions may have been in collusion with an Israeli lobby front group (link: After McCain’s trip, the Daily Beast’s Josh Rogin cited Mouaz Moustafa (link:, Executive Director of a shadowy organization known as the Syrian Emergency Task Force, as helping organize McCain’s trip.

Moustafa’s fallacious organization appears to have close ties to the Israeli government and its duplicitous American lobby, which is hardly surprising given McCain’s criminal subservience to Israel over the U.S. Anyone familiar with McCain’s lifelong lip service to Israel and his treasonous acts against U.S. citizens on Israel’s behalf will not find this the least bit surprising.


McCain’s malfeasance in providing material support to known terrorists is only one of many examples (link: of Washington’s double standards, hypocrisy (link: and manipulation of terrorism. If President Obama is going to prosecute whistle blowers under the guise of aiding the enemy and bring charges of terrorism against others, he needs to arrest and prosecute McCain too. The time has come for accountability, oversight and public involvement in how their government is run.

When you realize that the fate of our “National Security” is privatized and turned over to contractors — there are more than a million contractors cleared to handle highly sensitive matters (link: and illegally spy on us — making billions of dollars off U.S. taxpayers (link: to “keep us safe,” you realize just how corrupt Washington is and how dubious Washington’s hypocrisy and double standards on terrorism truly are. Washington’s duplicitous secrecy in “fighting terrorism” has caused far more deaths than 9/11 (link: It’s time to change that.

It is blatantly obvious that Washington’s extreme secrecy doesn’t serve our “National Security.” It only serves to cover up and protect the illegal actions of the U.S. government and protect them from We the People who employ and elect them (link: Those foolish enough to believe “it can’t happen here” need to wake up and accept the fact that it already has (link: Americans need to take a long hard look at Washington’s malfeasances that are repeatedly perpetrated under the guise of fighting terrorism (link: and put an end to the tyranny that has destroyed Democracy.

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