World News

Bullying becoming serious issue in LatAm schools


Students from all over the world are becoming victims of violence at school where they should feel safest. What may appear to be just a joke among schoolmates can sometimes hurt children and teenagers both emotionally and physically.
As expected in the restive continent, Latin American figures are alarming. According to The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development– OECD, Mexico is at the top of world´s rankings on the issue, with more than 18 million students being abused. Not surprisingly, the NGO Bullying Without Frontiers chose the region to trigger a global action on the issue. The campaign targets education authorities, teachers and parents, in order to provide them with expert training to make the certain difference between what is a normal prank and what is a case of abuse and violence. According to specialists, around 70% of Latin American students are directly or indirectly affected by bullying in schools. Addressing this issue represents a challenge for both education and health authorities because it is a major cause of not only truancy but also serious wounds and even suicide.

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