
Syria: Another Top Commander of ISIL Killed near Palmyra



The ISIL terrorist group lost a second top commander in clashes with the Syrian Army near the ancient city of Palmyra in the Eastern part of Homs province on Friday after Sultan bin Abdul Rahman, a Saudi commander of the terrorist group succumbed to his injuries and died earlier today.

The Lebanese national, Taha al-Dandashi nom de guerre Abu Muhammed al-Libnani, was reportedly killed during fierce clashes between the Syrian Army and the ISIL around the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur), Eastern Homs province.

The hunted ISIL commander was originally from the city of Tripoli and His death is considered as a huge blow to the terrorist group.

Earlier on Thursday, the ISIL terrorist group lost one of its top Saudi commanders during clashes in Eastern suburb Plamyra (Tadmur) city in Homs province in a development seen as a major breakthrough for the Syrian army.

The senior ISIL militant, Sultan bin Abdul Rahman, was a Saudi national who joined the terrorist group in 2014.

Rahman was killed when the Syrian army forces as a part of their large-scale operation to take back the city of Tadmur raided ISIL fortifications in the Eastern areas just outside the city.

Abdul Rahman occupied several positions in ISIL and al-Qaeda and had fought with al-Qaeda militants in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechenya and Algeria before going to Syria.

The news about the death of the ISIL leader was released as the Syrian army forces and their allies are making significant advances against the ISIL in Homs province.

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