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Turkish Deputy PM: Turkish intelligence had previous knowledge of Rayhanli explosions


A group of hackers have infiltrated to documents belonging to the Turkish intelligence.

These documents, as circulated by this group in the form of a report, talk about al-Rayhaniah explosions which took place on 11 May and that claimed 54 Turkish victims.

The group said documents disclose that Turkish intelligence knew that “al-Nusra”, a branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, was preparing 3 booby-trapped cars to detonate them in turkey.

Turkish intelligence knew that on 25th April, two weeks before the incident; the report says that “al-Nusra” set up 3 booby-trapped cars in the city of al-Raqqa, one of them is Mazda brand, the other is Kia and the brand of the third one is unspecified, all of them are aimed to be sent to Turkey.

Nevertheless, no search campaigns have been carried out between 25th April and 11th May to search for the cars; meaning that, according to the Turkish newspaper Milliet, there has been some kind of conspiracy.

The newspaper decries “appointing” Ahmet Davutuglo as a lawyer for “al-Nusra” since he denied its involvement, especially that Al-Rayhaniah incident has been referred to Turkey’s Attorney General along with these documents.

Basheer Atalai, Turkish Deputy PM, confessed that possibility of al-Nusra’s involvement is shocking to some people especially that Turkish authorities have been tracking down such militant groups.

Atalai questioned the reason of why Turkey did nothing to stop such explosions since they obtained intelligence information about it and that Turkish authorities appointed the inspection committee in order to dig up any previous negligence and that it is not wise to pre-judge things before the inspection is done.

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