North America

Chemical leak poisons West Virginia tap water for five days

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Anger is growing in the US state of West Virginia where a chemical leak has compromised water service for about 300,000 people in the state.

Tap water has been declared unsafe for drinking, cooking and bathing since Thursday following the chemical contamination of a major river. In addition to households, the ban has affected business owners in and around the capital of Charleston.

Residents face a fifth day without drinking water but state and water authority officials say tests showed contamination levels were low enough for it to soon be safe for consumption.

“We are at a point where we can see a light at the end of the tunnel,” Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin said at a news conference. However, he did not say when the safe water would be restored.

“I can tell you we’re not several days from starting to lift, but I’m not saying today,” said Jeff McIntyre, president of West Virginia American Water, which runs the water treatment plant.

The chemical spill on the Elk River has contaminated the water supply in the state, shutting down schools and businesses across nine counties.

The contaminating source is believed to be the chemical 4-methylcyclohexane methanol, which had leaked out of a 40,000-gallon tank at a Freedom Industries facility along the river.

Until the water is announced safe, frustrated residents have been asked not to drink, bathe and cook with tap water

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