
Jordan’s Lifeline: Egypt deported Gaza-bound activists as a favor to Israel

images_News_2014_03_10_activists-0_300_0The Jordanian Lifeline for Gaza campaign said that Egypt’s deportation of 58 multinational female activists from Cairo airport and its refusal to allow them to deliver humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip was a measure serving the Israeli occupation.

The Jordanian campaign affirmed that among the activists were noted international female figures such as Jamila Bouhired, an Algerian nationalist who opposed the French colonial rule of her country, Mairead Maguire, an Irish Nobel peace laureate, and Medea Benjamin, an American political activist.

The campaign strongly denounced the Egyptian authorities at the airport for maltreating and disrespecting female activists known for advocating Arab issues, especially the Palestinian cause.

It noted that the activists had received prior approval to visit Gaza and were supposed to deliver medical supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip.

For his part, Hamdi Shaath, the government representative to the higher national committee for breaking Gaza siege, urged all pro-Palestinian activists around the world to activate their anti-blockade campaigns by land and sea to expose the violations committed by the besieging parties.

“We call upon the world’s free people to organize land and sea convoys to break the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip,” Shaath stated in a press release on Sunday.

He affirmed that the resumption of anti-siege aid convoys would contribute to exposing the besieging parties, especially the Israeli occupation, and prompt the Arab regimes to assume their responsibilities towards the population in Gaza.

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