
The lost zionist officer’s family accused the zionist israeli army to abandon their son in Gaza


Missing soldier”Hadar Goldin”‘s family accused the zionist government and occupation army to abandon her son in the Gaza Strip by announced his loss on Friday in the southern Gaza Strip after fierce battle with elements of Palestinian resistance.

Family in press statements today demanded the Israeli army not to withdraw from Gaza before finding the soldier son “Hadar” and return him to his home, otherwise he would take it that the army “has recognized not only his neck to Hamas, but also israel as a whole.”

Channel 10 quoted the father Al “Hadar” as saying: “it is a shame for the Israeli army to leave one of its soldiers with enemy and withdraw unilaterally.”

“I can’t believe” the forgotten Warrior in army ranks, and I call on the Government not to withdraw from the Gaza Strip. ” added zionist father.

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