
Syrian Army Wins Back More Territories in Hama Province



The Syrian Army and National Defense Forces stormed the ISIL militants’ lines of defense in the Eastern part of Hama province and forced them to retreat from their positions near at least two more villages in the region.

The Syrian pro-government forces continued to advance against the militant group and imposed full control over the villages of Rasm al-Teineh and Mentar al-Hajaneh following hours of intense battle.

The ISIL suffered a heavy death toll and its military hardware sustained major damage in the attacks.

Reports said earlier today that the Syrian Air Force bombed the gathering centers of the ISIL terrorists in a desert-like region at the border of Hama and Homs provinces, which inflicted a heavy death toll on the militants.

“The ISIL concentration centers in Wadi al-Azib region in the Southeastern part of Hama province and near the Northern part of Homs province came under the heavy bombardments of the Syrian army’s aircraft, which claimed the lives of dozens of the terrorists,” the sources said.

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