AfricaNorth America

VIDEO: Satanic US plan for commandos in Africa sparks concerns



These are some of the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:

US commandos without borders

American commandos without borders. The new report has hit headlines, unveiling US military’s agenda to increase cross-border operations this time in Africa. The United State is already reeling from military setbacks in Iraq and Afghanistan. The wars have cost American taxpayers billions of dollars, claiming thousands of American lives, while killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans. Years after the US invasion, violence and insecurity is ratcheting up in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, there are growing speculations that the US military plans for expanding military operations in Africa have given rise to serious concerns. There are mounting fears that such operations could spread terror and violence in Africa, as they already did in Iraq and Afghanistan. The commander of US special operations command Africa has emphasized that cross-border military operation is the military’s command philosophy.

Myanmar war crimes

Prominent rights organization Amnesty international has strongly criticized the Myanmar government over the continued violence against Rohingya Muslims in the country. Amnesty said the atrocities against the Rohingya may amount to crimes against humanity. The organization also called attacks by Myanmar’s security forces and Bhuddist extremists disproportionate ethnic and racial violence. The attacks have continued over the past few years but there has been an escalation in recent months.

Pain in Spain

No letup to anti-austerity protests in Spain. Five years of tough austerity policies. Public schools, universities, medical facilities, pensioners, students, teachers and public workers: And there seems to be no end to their miseries. Their demands: Better pays and pensions and a rollback of government’s cost-cutting measures.

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