
Syrian Army Gives Terrorists Last Ultimatum to Leave Western, Southern Aleppo



Syrian military helicopters dropped thousands of surrender-now leaflets over terrorists-held regions in the Western and Southern countryside of Aleppo, urging militants to end hostilities against the Damascus government or face death.

The army helicopters dropped thousands of leaflets over militants’ positions in al-Rashedeen in the Southwestern outskirts of Aleppo and areas near Jam’iyat al-Zahra in the Western outskirts of Aleppo, and the towns of Khan al-Asal and al-Mansoureh in same region to lay down their arms before the start of the army’s operation in the area.

The army soldiers, the Lebanese Hezbollah movement and the Iraqi al-Nujaba are about to launch a joint large-scale operation in the Southern outskirts and countryside of Aleppo city to liberate al-Rashedeen 4 and 5 and then move towards Khan Touman to free it too.

In the meantime, hundreds of Syrian soldiers and Hezbollah and Nujaba forces have been deployed in Southern Aleppo since the army’s victories against Fatah al-Sham coalition of terrorist groups in November.

The army is resolved to purge the Western and Southwestern countryside of Aleppo of terrorists after government forces scored eye-catching victories in the Eastern districts of Aleppo city and repelled two large-scale offensives of thousands of terrorists in the Western part of Aleppo city.

Websites affiliated to terrorists admitted on Friday that tens of militants from Fatah al-Sham Front and Nouralddeen al-Zinki were killed in airstrikes on a key military base in the Southwestern countryside of Aleppo city.

The positions of al-Nusra Front and Nouralddeen al-Zinki in Sheikh Suleiman military base in the town of al-Eis in the Southwestern countryside of Aleppo city came under aerial bombardments, the websites close to the terrorist groups reported.

At least 50 al-Nusra and al-Zinki terrorists were killed in the airstrikes on Sheikh Suleiman military base, they added.

Meantime, a military source said a number of ISIL terrorists were killed in the village of Khasaf in the surrounding areas of the air force academy in the Eastern countryside of Aleppo and their arms depot was also destroyed.

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