
ISIL Under Siege in Western Mosul, Iraqi Forces Seize All Key Supply Routes


Iraqi military forces seized control of major roads West of the Northern city Mosul city and the progress has effectively left ISIL militants under siege in Western part of the city.

The Iraqi government recaptured Eastern Mosul late January and launched a new phase of operations to clear the Western region last month, and the seige on the ISIL seems effective as the Iraqi troops are now in control of Eastern Mosul and all main roads around the city, ARA News reported.

Also, ISIL major supply lines between Mosul and the Syrian border were blocked completely by the Iraqi forces. The road links Mosul to Tal Afar, another ISIL stronghold 60 km (40 miles) to the West, and then to the Syrian border.

The development comes as dozens of ISIL militants surrendered to the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) West of Mosul city during last week, military sources reported.

The Iraqi Army’s Central Command said in a statement that a group of ISIL miitants surrendered to the ISF after heavy clashes at the western side of Mosul city, in Iraq’s Northwestern Nineveh Governorate.

This comes amid intensifying military operations by the Iraqi troops in Western Mosul.

“The militants surrendered with their weapons to the Iraqi forces, after the group suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment during the past few days,” the head of Nineveh Media Centre Raafat al-Zarari told ARA News, citing military officials.

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