
Syrian Army Deploys Forces 2km Away from Aleppo’s Water Facilities

The Syrian Army soldiers continued to advance against ISIL in vast areas in Eastern Aleppo in the last 24 hours and captured territories only 2km away from the facilities pumping water to Aleppo city.

The army troops stormed ISIL’s positions and drove the terrorists out of the towns of Qasr al-Ahmar, Abajeh, Jubb al-Qahwa and the farms of Al-Ebadeh, Abajeh and Abu Tineh, deploying forces at positions only 3km away from al-Khafseh town and 2km away from Water Pumping Facilities near Lake Assad.

On Monday, the army men pushed back ISIL terrorists from more strongholds and deployed in a region only 7km away from al-Khafseh town and 6km from the main water pumping facilities close to Lake Assad.

Aleppo city’s water pumping facilities are located South of al-Khafseh town.

The source also said that the army troops’ control over the Northern and Northeastern regions of Deir Hafer gave the government forces’ military control over the town, adding that the government forces also decreased distance to al-Jarrah airport East of Deir Hafer.

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